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Protect Your Skin from Aging and Skin Cancers – Year Round

Aug 07, 2023

Protect Your Skin from Aging and Skin Cancers – Year Round

Close-up, beauty shot of a smiling, young, beautiful, blonde woman holding her her up

Whether male or female, child, adult or Senior (55 years of age and up), it is never too late to protect and prevent radiation exposure. Ultra-violet A and B rays attack skin cells and skin cell proteins at all ages and eventually lead to sunburn, spotty pigment (think sunspots), destruction of elasticity, thinning and fragility, sagging, deep lines and grooves, premature and accelerated ageing as well as various skin cancers.

While you may love the sun, without year round use of medical grade full spectrum sunscreens and newer sun blocks containing absorbent titanium and zinc, you are unnecessarily ruining your skin barrier and will certainly begin to look older much sooner than you can imagine. Sun damage is cumulative and occurs even when you are taking short walks, driving in a car or sitting by a window at home or office. UVA rays contribute to aging and are constant year round while UVB rays contribute to sunburn and are considered the summertime burning rays.

Physician distributed sunscreens and sun blocks are the only FDA approved products to reverse and prevent eventual irreversible damage to all skin structures. Did you know that in addition to blotchy pigment, dark spots, patchy redness, pre-malignant and malignant moles, lines and wrinkles, UVA and UVB contribute to cataracts and macular degeneration? It is equally important to choose eyewear with UVA and UVB protection. .

Today the newest medical grade (purified pharmaceutical grade) skin conditioners have absorbable vitamins and minerals that instantly absorb and are neither oily nor greasy, non-perfumed and no longer pasty white. While some may contain wrinkle reducers and smoothers, most help to reverse already visible signs of suns damage as well as protect against acquiring more visible signs of damage. The mineral sun blocks are either clear (invisible) or with pigment added to even out the appearance of blotchiness. Both are uncommonly gentle, highly protective, and a pleasure to wear.

Reflective Physical Particles (purified minerals) ingredients are healthier than chemical sunscreen filters, as designated by the E.P.A., and decrease irritation and allergic skin reactions to many sunscreens containing: Avobenzone, Octocrylene, Octinoxate, Oxybenzone, Octisalate, Parabens, Oils or Ecamsule. Dermatologists recommend Titanium and Zinc sunscreen filters. Topically applied minerals sun block also contain skin conditioners, also vitamins proven to contribute to skin health that can be used on people with Lupus/Rheumatology eczema and psoriasis. Remember to apply to ear tips, nose, lips, cheeks and back of the hands as well as tops and backs of the neck and chest, bellies arms, shins, calves and shoulders. This applies to all skin types (tints).

The correct time to apply proper skin products is 45 minutes, while still in your room, before sun exposure. Think about 1/8th inch thick massaged in, and re-applied every 2 to 4 hours, depending on level of activity. Also wear light weight shirts, hats and glare UVA-UVB reducing sunglasses. There is no such thing as “water proof” suntan lotion. These suggestions are appropriate for walkers, golfers, gardeners, bikers and every one participating in outdoor activities, year round.

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