The Future PRO Fit System is our body shaping and contouring system that uses powerful ultrasound energy and Transtim stimulation, a non-invasive and pain-free treatment. If you want impressive results, Advanced Laser Medspa can help you accomplish them with treatment combined with a scientific diet assessment, activity program, and FDA-approved metabolic testing assessment. Other benefits include:

● Medication Free ● Leaves No Bruising ● Tightened Muscles ●  Increased Metabolism ● Decreased Fat ● Tightened Skin

You can experience loss of inches in your visits. The length of your treatments can vary (approximately 2 hours) as can the duration (6, 8, or even 10 treatments based on your goals). For the best results, we recommend following a moderate eating plan* and exercising. If you are intending to maintain an eating style that includes high carbs, sugar, sweets, and alcohol, we do not recommend this body-shaping program for you.


Free body analysis with a physician grade composition analyzer.

This professional equipment will provide you with a printout of your results – a $75.00 value. This printout includes body composition, water weight, fat mass, and a target body fat percentage and weight. DO NOT EXPECT treatment benefits if you are gaining weight between treatments. IF WE FIND THAT YOU ARE GAINING WEIGHT DURING OUR EXTENSIVE BODY COMPOSITION MEASUREMENT, we may recommend that you not continue treatments.

A moderate alternate-day eating plan* that patients report is easy to follow.

This plan is used to release your weight slowly and is backed by clinical studies. It’s often referred to as “dieting in only half the time.” You can get body shaping and contouring results with or without the eating plan; however, your results will be even more dramatic with the plan. If you choose to enter this part of the Slim, Tone, and Shed program, Advanced Laser Medspa will provide you with 1, 2, and 3 above free of charge. Each time you come in for a treatment, we will do a body analysis. You are also welcome to come in once a week for a free body analysis (by appointment).

before and after futurapro treatment


Other options to take your inches off for even more visible benefits can be discussed at your consultation. Call Advanced Laser Medspa to schedule your consultation today. We can help you shape, tone, and slim down your body.

*REMEMBER: Before beginning this or any diet plan or exercise program (including those recommended on this site) we recommend you always check with your family or primary care physician. It is your responsibility to seek the advice of your physician before starting. Recommendations may include a physical, including blood work, EKG, and other health-related exams that will help determine whether you are physically fit enough to begin such an exercise plan and diet.


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