Loss of blood flow is a normal part of the aging process, but it can result in erectile dysfunction. While most medications have unpleasant or dangerous side effects and are only around 27% effective, there is an alternative that is more effective with fewer side effects: GAINSWave (individual results may vary).
GAINSWave uses pulsed acoustic waves to trigger the blood vessels in the penis to expand, improving blood flow and leading to more sustained erections. Over 40 studies have found this treatment to work! Instead of taking a pill every time you want to have sex, turn to Advanced Laser Medspa for GAINSWave, which provides results that last up to two years depending on your specific conditions.
Choose the erectile dysfunction treatment that lasts longer and requires no medication by calling Advanced Laser Medspa. We would be happy to tell you more about GAINSWave and see if it’s right for you.
Mon: Closed
Tue, Wed, Thu: 10am - 4pm
(Hours are always by appt and may start earlier or go later)
Fri: Closed
Sat: 1st Saturday by Appt
Sunday: Closed
805 NY-146 Northway 9 Plaza (Lobby) , Clifton Park, NY 12065