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10 Ways to Keep From Spreading Nail Fungus in the Same Household

Aug 07, 2023

10 Ways to Keep From Spreading Nail Fungus in the Same Household

A young man's feet against a plain background

What is nail fungus?

Nail Fungus (called: Onychomycosis) is a contagious condition that affects both toenails and fingernails. It is visible by spots under the nails and left untreated usually spreads to other nails and even others. However, microscopic organism can invade the nail bed, toes and fingers and the area surrounding it.

Untreated nail can worsen, spread to other nails and skin and to others who come in contact with the fungi. The condition can lead to other health problems, especially if you are a diabetic or have a compromised immune system.

How to keep from spreading your nail fungus in the same household

  1. Keep your manicure items solely for your personal use
  2. If you use it, do not share nail polish.
  3. Spray your shower with Tilex or a bleach containing spray after you use the shower
  4. Step out of shower into flip flops – avoid stepping on bath mat
  5. Keep your person items solely for your use.- Towels,bath mat, nail clippers. Nail polish
  6. Wear socks
  7. Launder your bed sheets with bleach
  8. Change your shoes every 24 hours and let them dry completely especially if you perspire or if you are in a humid or hot environment. Spray with Anti-Fungal Spray
  9. If you have work boots, workout shoes or running shoes etc , be sure to get a second pair to change over. Let them dry completely before using them again.
  10. Spray your shoes with antifungal spray and let sit for 24 hours
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